Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Good question!

Craig had to spend a night at the hospital recently due to dehydration (stomach flu - bleh!). We were watching an educational documentary on breastfeeding on the hospital's television:

Mommy: That's how you took your milk, you know, when you were a baby. From Mommy's *boo-boo.

Craig: Huh? But how do you put the cow's milk into the boo-boo?

*Boo-boo is our term for breasts.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Proof of right

While we were reading a Richard Scarry book about aircrafts and airports:

Spock: Look the plane's landing gear!
Mommy: It's the landing wheel.
Spock: Landing gear, Mommy.
Mommy: No, it's called landing wheel.
Spock: Prove it to me!
Mommy: (Pointing to the wheel) what's this?
Spock: A wheel.
Mommy: What's it for?
Spock: To land the plane.
Mommy: So, it's a landing wheel!
Spock: But it's not down like a wheel should be.
Mommy: It will come down as the plane lands.
Spock: Alright...I'll trust you! 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

On-Off Switch

I learnt from a popular parenting blog that one of the ways to help an active mind slow down and fall asleep is to engage the On-Off switch game. I tried to no success two nights ago:

Craig: I want you to tell me a story about Kandy the bear.
Mommy: OK - but after this story, we will turn off the switch here (gesturing the left of his forehead) and you'll go to sleep.
Craig: No, the "off" switch is on this side (pointing to opposite side of his forehead).
Mommy: OK, OK. But remember, we will switch it off after the story.
Craig: But actually, there's no switch on my head!
Mommy: Just pretend you have one, will ya!

(After the story)

Mommy: OK - as promised, we will turn the switch off now.
Craig: OK.

(Still talking...)

Mommy: Hey, hey, no talking - switch is turned off!
Craig: Actually there's another switch behind my head. We can't turn that off coz it will make a loud sound if you turn it off - eeeh-eeh-eeh-eeh!
Mommy: (Concludes that clearly the Switch game is not working!) Just shut your eyes and go to sleep, if not...!

Friday, February 10, 2012

God is saying...

We are praying at night in bed…

Daddy: God, thank you for this day you gave us. Thank you that you have been with Mommy this week as she teaches people about you in India, and thank you that she is coming back tomorrow. Please give her a safe flight back. Thank you also that Poh Poh could be with us this week, and please give her a safe trip back to Ipoh. Thank you for how much you love us—
Spock: God is saying, ‘You’re welcome, you’re welcome, you’re welcome!’

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Spock was headbutting his daddy's hand:

Daddy: Your head is so hard. It’s like it’s made of iron.
Spock: Is it harder than your head?
Daddy: I don’t know maybe. I never hit my head against stuff like you do. But yours is hard. It’s like a rock. Do you have rocks in your head?
Spock (seriously and breathlessly): No I have bones inside my head, and that’s why it’s hard but mommy doesn’t she just has skin inside her head!

First time

Spock was looking out at traffic downstairs from our apartment window:

Daddy: What do you see?
Spock: I see *Boondong. He is in a double-decker car.
Daddy: Oh really? I don’t think so.
Spock: I do.
Daddy: Where is he?
Spock: He’s in a double-decker car.
Daddy: I don’t think so. I’ve never heard of a double-decker car!
Spock: There is a first time for everything!

*Note: “Boondong” is an alter ego Craig made up for himself a few weeks ago, whom he also refers to as a third person. His brother is “Brujujujah”